Book Cover Redesign- Digital and physical
FALL 2023
For this project, we had to choose from a selection of books to redesign the cover. We had to make one book cover using physical found objects and one using Adobe Illustrator. The book I chose to redesign is The Color of Money by Walter Tevis.
For my physical book cover I thrifted old clothes and sewed and embroidered together the pieces creating a suit with an 8 ball pin.
For my digital book cover I took a more of a modern approach and focused on the spacing and technicality of the piece.
I started this project by researching the book and what it was about, so I could have an idea of the mood and colors I should be creating in my cover. I then did research on past book covers this book has already had and researched book covers who have similar genres of drama and suspense. After my research, I did lots of sketches and brainstormed many different ideas. For my physical piece, I had a strong vision so I was able to put all of the pieces together and sew them without much hesitation. I later added the 8 ball so the cover would make more sense to the story. My digital piece had a lot more of a thought process. I had a strong idea in mind but it was much harder to bring my idea into life. Because I was going for a more modern look, I made many different iterations with different kerning and spacing. With much critique from my professor and from the class, I was able to end up with my final version, where everything has equal spacing.